Is it a Good Idea To Learn Self-Defense when you are Older?

Self defense training

As we get older and physically less able, we can start to lose confidence when we are in a number of all sorts of quite normal situations, let alone threatening ones. Starting to learn some sort of self-defense will require us to be become better mentally prepared and at the same time take on some training to make us more physically fit.

Therefore, we become less anxious in a number of situations, which is really helpful as we get older. We will walk more confidently, which makes less of a target to bullies and opportunist muggers. We will feel happier and less worried when we are out and a bunch of young men are coming towards us in the opposite direction, they were probably just out for the evening and not a threat anyway.

Older people are more vulnerable than younger people, so they should quaint themselves with a few self-defense skills and tricks. It is not a good idea to take on a younger person in a fight, so the tricks we need to learn are on how to avoid and handle a threatening situation. There is self-defense training, that can be taken on at any age and it will improve our confidence, making us less of a target and a victim.

Learning Self Defense

As we get older it is important to pursue usable self-defense skills that both benefit our health and mind, plus can be used in a threatening situation quickly. You need to be ready for any situation that may be thrown at you.

Although we are not expecting it to happen, preparing for the worst-case scenario can provide a sense of calm when dealing with the trials and tribulations of everyday life. One of the best things that you can do to prepare yourself for the worst while still seeing valuable health and mind benefits is to learn self-defence.

Why do I need to learn self-defense?

Hopefully, you will never need to actually use it, but self-defense is a necessary skill to have in today’s world. Learning the skills needed will ensure that you are always capable of taking care of yourself and your loved ones no matter the situation. Besides, learning self-defense can be fun! It is a great way to meet new people, develop usable skills, and get in great shape. At the end of the day, you will be glad that you took the time to learn how to defend yourself in any situation.

What are the benefits of learning self-defense? 

It may go without saying but the primary benefit of learning self-defense is that you will be able to defend yourself in sticky situations. However, there are plenty of other benefits that come from learning these defense skills.

People who learn self-defense tend to be more confident. This confidence stems from the knowledge that you will be able to handle yourself in case of a bad physical altercation. Being confident in your daily life can be highly beneficial for your happiness and overall health. Learning such techniques is a great way to be sure you can handle whatever life throws at you.

Self-defense is a physical activity. Depending on the type of type you choose to learn, you could be moving a lot. Learning these tactics is a great way to get in shape while learning a new and really usable skill. The practice will require you to work on your stamina, strength, flexibility, and balance. Perfecting these skills will increase your overall health and well-being. 

People who learn these skills are often more aware of the things going on around them. Social awareness la valued to be weary of dangerous situations well also being able to read the people around you a bit better. Learning these skills heightens your senses and makes it much easier to be aware of your surroundings.

Knowing how to protect yourself may help lower your stress levels and increase your calmness. People who know these techniques are less afraid of danger, real or imaginary, in most situations. The knowledge will provide comfort and that may help you relax in social situations. Knowing how to do this is also a great way to protect your family. Knowing that your family is safe from dangerous situations can help you stay calmer.

Learning self-defense is a social act. Whether in an online community or taking classes in a center near you, you will have the opportunity to meet new like-minded people. Learning this is a great way to meet people who share your values and goals. These relationships will be built on a common activity and it is likely that the people you learn self-defense with can become lifelong friends.

What kind of self-defense should I learn?

The type of self-defense you learn is completely dependent on what you are looking to get out of the experience. Different self-defense techniques can variant difficulty and exertion level. It is important to pick one that will benefit you in the long run.

 If you are looking to learn the skills that you would need for a specific attack, most community centers offer classes on basic self-defense. These classes will focus on a variety of moves that are meant to cause pain to your attacker and allow you to gain distance as you run and call for help.

These classes could be a great way to learn techniques that could save your life but may lack in some of the peripheral benefits like added fitness and mental health. Most self-defense classes offered in this way are only one class long and you may not get to see your classmates again. So, if you’re looking for a social way to pick up new skills this may not be the best option.

The other option that you have is to join a martial arts gym in your area. Most gyms offer programs for adults that are perfect for learning self-defense while working on physical fitness and meeting new people. Depending on your area, the availability of a martial arts gym may differ, but if you can find one near to you it is a great way to gain usable skills and increase your overall health and wellbeing.

These gyms often build a community and the people you were with could easily become lifelong friends. Although these options are a bit more physically demanding, basic moves of some martial arts are very effective and can be done by people of all ability levels. Martial arts like Taekwondo, Krav Maga, or Tai Chi are a great way to learn about other cultures while preparing yourself for the worst.

If you are looking to learn these skills in the quickest way possible, an online program may be the option for you. These programs provide instructional videos and how to use the techniques to stop possible physical attacks. However, without a direct teacher, you may not learn the moves correctly. This method does not allow you to partake in any of the secondary benefits of learning self-defense, but it is the cheapest option.

Where do I get started?

The best place to get started is to decide what type of self-defense you were looking to learn and what you hope to get out of it. Searching for classes or programs in your area is a great way to see what’s out there.

If you are looking for a more in-depth experience visiting a martial arts gym will give you an idea of what you can expect from joining one of their programs. Whatever you decide to do it is important that you choose a method that is best for you so that you can prepare yourself for anything.

On a personal note; a good way to entry-level for this sort of training is Tai Chi, it good for mind and body and my personal favorite

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Paul-Swin; Worked in marketing for many years, mostly in the electrical retail sector, before setting up and running Anything Direct a successful e-retail business. Currently operating the Cafe Dating collection of quality dating sites. Now setting up, a blog and Youtube Channel which covers many topics for the over fifties.

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