How To Make Your Bucket List

Dolphins are on the list

What is a bucket list?

A bucket list is a number of achievements and experiences that a person aims to have in his or her lifetime. The list is made of these items and ticked off when they have been completed.

It is thought that the term bucket list may have come from the slang term for dying; “kick the bucket”. So a list is made of all the things you would like to do before you die, hence making a bucket list

When Should I Start A Bucket List?

don't delay start your list today

The simple answer of when to start your list is now. Well, you can create your list at any time you feel ready, but you won’t start ticking off that bucket list until there are some items on it. Many people make their list when something happens quite major in their life, that reminds them that life and our time on this planet are only for a limited time.

So, get started as soon as you can, as achieving goals like learning a language or play the guitar will take quite a while in itself.

How to Create A Bucket List

Firstly, you will need to sit down and have a little think about what you would like to add to your list. Are the items on your list going to be education and self-improvement or maybe it is going to be about creating memories?

The last can be as simple as writing a few things down on a piece of paper, a computer or even your phone. You really don’t to use anything special, so long as you know where to find it. The back of your diary is a good place. Most people start their list with the big things first, like climb Everest and then move on down to smaller things.

The bucket list should never be finished and once you tick something off the list, you should be adding something new.

What Things Should I Add to My List?

What you add to your list is very personal to you and it is you who makes the rules. It could be you want to learn something new, learn to play the piano. By adding this to the list shows your intention to do it and not fall into the trap of procrastination. Other items may be more about creating some great memories, such as visiting a famous city or country.

create memories with your bucket list

Just to get you started, here are a few examples of things you could add to your bucket list;

  • Visit Auntie In Australia
  • Learn Chinese or Another Language
  • Buy a Harley Davidson Motorcycle
  • Go See Machu Picchu in Bolivia
  • Swim With Dolphins
  • Help Out In An Orphanage In Vietnam
  • Take An African Safari
  • Learn To Fly A Plane
  • Get a Tummy Tuck or My Boobs Done
  • Sing On A Stage In New York
  • Be A Film Extra
  • Start Your Own Business
  • Go See a Particular Show on Broadway
  • Learn Self-Defence
  • Go And See The Northern Lights
  • Get A Tattoo
  • Take A Cruise Around The Arctic
  • See The Emerald Buddha In Thailand
  • Learn Tai Chi
  • Drive A Tank

Add things to your list when they come to mind. By keeping the list of things you really want to achieve or do up-to-date, by doing this we are keeping your dreams alive, which has to be good for your motivation and well-being.

Seize the day and make the most of the present moment – in the knowledge you will not have this moment ever again. Carpe diem, (Latin: “pluck the day” or “seize the day”) 

How Long Should I Keep My Bucket List?

You should keep your list going on a continual basis, adding new items at least as often as you remove them. The list continues as you achieve your goals, enabling you to focus on your mind on what you want to achieve next.

Create your list and go and achieve the things that are important to you. By doing so, you are enabling and preparing yourself for a good future.


Paul-Swin; Worked in marketing for many years, mostly in the electrical retail sector, before setting up and running Anything Direct a successful e-retail business. Currently operating the Cafe Dating collection of quality dating sites. Now setting up, a blog and Youtube Channel which covers many topics for the over fifties.

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