How Can I Find A New Partner After 50

older man dating online

Well, you are over 50 and you are now single for whatever reason, maybe a bereavement or a divorce. Anyway, you want to get back into the dating game. Things will have changed a lot since you last put yourself out there and the way of meeting people has changed also.

  • Get yourself fit and healthy
  • Get and haircut and make yourself more presentable
  • Join local social clubs
  • Buy Some New Clothes
  • Join an online dating site especially for older people 50+
  • Always Be True To Yourself and Your Ideals
  • Tell Your Friends and Family
  • Do Not Be Too Picky
  • Be Careful

Before You Start Looking For A Partner

Well, things have changed in the world, I expect since you were last on the dating scene, especially in how we communicate. Everyone has a mobile phone and it seems like always on the internet. In general, people are more suspicious of others and are less trusting.

So where to begin. So without being too picky it probably a good idea of what your ideal partner will be like. Although people are always falling in love with the person they least expected. As we get older social standing, income and wealth become far more important than it did when we were younger and starting out in life. Then it was mostly sex we were interested in, but it sort of worked out OK. Now the situation becomes a lot more complicated as we may have a house or other worldly possessions that one; we don’t want to lose and two; is he or she only interested in me for what I have or represent.

Sex and sexual attraction still play an important part in the dating game for older people. After all, that’s what we mean when we say we fancy somebody. Things differ a little here because we are not from an age where casual sex with somebody was the norm. That doesn’t mean that older people don’t have casual sex, they do. As we get older and we still enjoy sex, although it is most likely to be less frequent and simply the physical comfort of one’s partner is becomes equally important.

So now it the time to make that first move.

So, we have decided to see if we can find our self a date or two. It a good idea here to take a look at yourself in a full-length mirror. Do I look presentable and can I make a few changes to get me off to a good start? Perhaps we could trim our figure a bit and have our hair done. But don’t overdo it otherwise it will look too obvious. Most of the best situations when people meet and fancy each other happens quite naturally. We mostly fall for each other over things like the sense of humour and the kindness of a person. Always, try to be true to yourself and by that I mean be and act like the real you don’t try too hard. So we are looking good and are calm and collect and we are ready to find a date or two.

Finding a date when you are over 50

So, we are ready. Where on earth do we start looking? Well initially most of your family and friends will know your position and that you are single. Now is the time too let them know that you are ready to start meeting people with a view to romance. There is usually somebody around who love trying to fix up their friends, it is up to you if you want to encourage them or not. Don’t let your friends bully you into anything.

A good way of meeting new people is joining a social club of some kind. If you have any particular hobbies like photography, for example, join a local club would be a great idea. Quite often people meet while out shopping, the important thing is to get yourself out there.

What about Internet Dating For The Over 50s?

Well, online dating by far the most popular method of meeting and subsequently dating a new partner, even in the fifty-plus age group.

Internet Dating for the 50 plus-year-olds really can be fun as you do it from your armchair online. Mostly because, once you have viewed someone’s profile and think you might like to contact them, the first contact is usually by text message or email. So you can dip your toe into the dating pond as it were before making any sort of commitment to meet just yet. Plus there is no reason why you can’t contact a few of the dating members and see how you go.

Most of these dating sites offer free basic membership that gives to a chance to have a good look around and use some of the features. After, you have tried the site for a while and are happy to take it more seriously, then normally for a monthly fee you can upgrade to full membership. Some sites offer women free membership.

What about totally free dating sites? Well nothing in life is totally free and the quality of some of these sites leaves a lot be desired, less importance paid to spammers and scammers.

As We Get Older It Is Important To Beware of dating scams

Just like the old days, there is always someone out their prepared to take you for a mug. Maybe it’s a beautiful women telling a guy just how handsome he is and how she would like to make love to him, just to get a good night out. He might feel a little hurt, but he will get over it and hope fully learn a lesson.

But on the other end of the scale, there are criminals making out they are a persons dream come true, just to cheat them out of thousands. Read our special article on the subject.

Just remember; if something (or a person) seems to good to be true – it probably is!



Paul-Swin; Worked in marketing for many years, mostly in the electrical retail sector, before setting up and running Anything Direct a successful e-retail business. Currently operating the Cafe Dating collection of quality dating sites. Now setting up, a blog and Youtube Channel which covers many topics for the over fifties.

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