Can You Learn Tai Chi at Home?

practicing tai chi outside

Starting To Learn Tai Chi At Home Can Be Done Simply By Using Easy To Understand Videos

Tai Chi originated hundreds of years ago in China as an internal martial art but is now used as an exercise to improve health by thousand across the world. I have been practicing and teaching tai chi for over thirty-five years.

You can learn the tai chi moves at home with the aid of videos, providing they are clear and easy to understand. Tai chi’s energy uses may be harder to learn from videos, but it can be done. Learning tai chi is always better done face to face with a tai chi teacher

Basic Understanding Of Tai Chi

The first thing we notice when we see someone doing tai chi is those graceful gentle moves. Practicers of tai chi will have hours and hours learning those moves, but the moves are only just the beginning of your learning. The health and balance benefits gained and come more from the manipulation of the chi around the body and the use of your tan tien (your energy center just below your navel). Once you have learned only a few tai chi moves, you will start getting a better understanding of this and the other items; including alignments of the body, working in a circular way and grounding.

Before You Start To Learn Tai Chi (Safety First)

As with all new exercise, it is always better to start off slowly and take it easy, a bit at a time. If you have any underlying health conditions it a probably your consult a doctor first. I have a separate video on the subject just click this link. SAFE TAI CHI

Getting Started with Your Tai Chi Lessons

I recommend before you start, you should have a little warm-up and have a few stretches. Although tai chi looks slow, it’s amazing how much you use your body and how much energy it takes.

It is better to wear loose clothing and flat shoes. Trainers can give you too much grip and possibly give some issues with your ankles.

How to Stand When You Start To Practice Tai Chi

When starting your first move in your tai chi practice it is normal to stand shoulder-width apart, with your knees slightly bent. It is important that you don’t lock out your knees by standing too erect, plus the knees must not extend beyond your toe level – just relax them slightly. Try to keep all your joints, including those in your hands, soft and relaxed through your tai chi exercise.
Try to keep your spine erect, dropping your chin very slightly. We try to imagine there is a fine golden thread attached to the center and top of the head, pulling us gently up to the clouds. I’ll help you with this as you follow my learning tai chi at home videos.

Making Your First Tai Chi Moves

Take your first steps on learning tai chi. I teach you the first few moves from the Long Yang Tai Chi form. I teach you the basics in a way that makes it easy for beginners. I also cover aspects like how to stand and move correctly. The moves in this home learning video include. Opening, Ward Off, Ward Off Sloping Upwards, and Roll Back.

Learning Tai Chi Moves – Let’s Move On With, Lesson Two

We are getting on with our tai chi moves now, and we have already learned a few, in this video and we learn more of tai chi’s graceful moves, including the ubiquitous single whip. I will also be covering how to improve your balance using your tai chi.

Moving On With More Moves As We Learn Tai Chi

Now we move on to Learn Tai Chi Lesson 3. We are now nearly halfway through the moves of this Long Yang set, and we doing my favorite move and that’s “Stork Displays Wings” – I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Also, included will be the tai chi moves “Pull Down” and “Strike with Shoulder. This time we will also look at manipulating your chi and your “tan-tien or dantien“, which is your body’s energy center. This is really great for mindfulness and will help if you have any balance features

We Are Nearly at the End of Learning Our Tai Chi Moves.

Yes, we are nearly there once we get to the end of Learning Tai Chi at Home – Lesson Four. A couple of more great tai chi moves to learn this time and they are classics. We will be learning “Play Guitar” and “Brush Knee”, they are certainly not the easiest tai chi moves to learn and they will need a bit of practice to get them into your head. Once you have them nailed into your muscle memory they are moves you can enjoy Will will also be learning how we move in our tai chi practice making use of our hips.

The Final Sequence on Learning Tai Chi

Yes, once you have followed this tai chi lesson you will have made it to the end of this set from Long Yang tai chi. There are only a few simple moves to learn this time and we will have got to the end of the tai chi moves lesson. From now on we will be able to practice the whole set in one long connected tai chi session.

But this is only the beginning of your tai chi and soon I will be giving you more lessons about the energies employed and how to use them to improve your health. You will soon be able to use your tai chi for health and fitness purposes.


Paul-Swin; Worked in marketing for many years, mostly in the electrical retail sector, before setting up and running Anything Direct a successful e-retail business. Currently operating the Cafe Dating collection of quality dating sites. Now setting up, a blog and Youtube Channel which covers many topics for the over fifties.

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