The Good and Bad About Plastic Surgery for Older People

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As we get older and our looks and figure starts to fade, showing the normal effect that time has on our bodies, it is no wonder that more and more older people are considering ways to push back time. We are the question; what is the good and bad about plastic surgery for older people?

As plastic surgery is becoming more accepted in society, more of the population is considering such surgeries. This has been especially true for those over the age of 65. Older people are becoming more comfortable with the idea of plastic surgery and looking into different cosmetic work they can have done to feel more confident and comfortable in their bodies.

However, getting plastic surgery is not like getting your hair done. It is surely not something anyone, especially older people, wants to jump into without learning more about it. There are two sides to everything and plastic surgery is one of them. Let’s look at some of the good and bad about plastic surgery for older people.

What Plastic Surgery is Available to Older People?

The older generation is not limited when it comes to the different plastic surgery choices out there. If it is available for younger people, it is also available for older people. However, some of the most popular plastic surgeries among the older generation include facelifts, fillers, eyelid surgery, and liposuction. Breast augmentations and breast lifts are even rising in popularity among older people. Over the past twenty years, the demand for these types of procedures doubled for senior citizens. Most who have chosen to pay for these procedures are between the ages of 65 to 75 years old.

plastic surgery for older peoply

What are the Pros of Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery can be very empowering for older people that have not felt comfortable or confident in their bodies. They want to feel a sense of youth that plastic surgery can offer. Plastic surgery can create a youthful look or change the appearance of certain body parts that people are not happy with. Among these reasons, another pro of plastic surgery is an improvement in physical health. Now, not all surgeries will do that, but one such as liposuction can get rid of extra weight and promote it to stay off resulting in better physical health. Lastly, plastic surgery can also enhance the mental health of patients who move forward with the procedures.

What are the Cons of Plastic Surgery?

Surgery will always come with a risk, even cosmetic surgery. One risk of plastic surgery is the chance of complications such as infection or bleeding. Nerve damage is another risk people take when getting plastic surgery done. Some nerve damage is temporary but in some cases, it can be permanent. Liposuction specifically can cause organ damage. It is a very traumatic procedure for internal organs. To repair this type of damage, additional surgery would be needed. Some less major cons of plastic surgery include scarring and dissatisfaction with appearance.

How Expensive is Plastic Surgery?

The cost of plastic surgery differs with many variables to consider. Such variables include the type of surgery, the extent of the surgery, and how much you are looking to get done. However, let’s look at the average prices of eyelid surgery and facelifts for an example. The average cost of getting an eyelid procedure done is about $3,026 while a facelift is about $7,448. These prices are strictly the cost of the procedure and do not include things like operating room facilities, anesthesia, and other related expenses.

Now, let’s look at a procedure that is on the higher end. A tummy tuck will be different for everyone and the price range can be pretty drastic. The price of a tummy tuck will depend on the extent of the procedure, the volume of fat needing to be removed, the type of anesthesia, and the number of procedures that need to be performed. The price range for a tummy tuck can be as little as $8,000 on average or up to $20,000 on average.

Liposuction for older people

Is a 60-Year-Old too Old for a Tummy Tuck?

The short answer is no. Age does not define your ability to get a tummy tuck or any plastic surgery procedure in that regard. Both men and women often feel they are too old for cosmetic surgery but that is absolutely incorrect. Age is not a critical factor when analyzing someone’s compatibility with a certain cosmetic procedure. A person’s overall health, physically and mentally, is way more important than their age. Not only that, but plastic surgery has been validated to be completely safe for seniors.

How Long Does Plastic Surgery Results Last?

How long the results from a procedure will last is dependent on the type of plastic surgery you choose to do. Some are temporary while others are permanent. For example, an eyelid lift is usually temporary. On the other hand, a procedure such as a facelift will usually last for about five years. For a procedure such as fillers, there are different types of fillers to choose from which all have different lengths of time they last. A more simple filler can last about 24 months while a more complex filler can last up to 5 years.

What Makes a Good Candidate for Plastic Surgery?

Although age does not matter when it comes to plastic surgery, there are some factors to consider before an older person considers getting a procedure done. For one, you should have expectations that are reasonable and be fully aware of the risks related to the procedure you are wanting to be done. For those who suffer from hypertension, depression, diabetes, or heart disease, plastic surgery may not be a great option for you. Other factors that decrease your chances of being a good candidate include smoking, drinking a lot of alcohol, and obesity. See our page on good health for older people

Botox filler for face

Is Plastic Surgery Safe for Older People?

Plastic surgery is not any riskier for seniors as it is for younger adults. It has been shown that there is no real difference in the risks or side effects associated with plastic surgery between older and younger patients. However, recovery time will vary based on the procedure. The recovery time is more dependent on medical history and other variables rather than age.


Plastic surgery continues to grow in popularity among older people. What was once a confusing, complicated topic, has become more understood. More information is being provided to older people that are making them feel more comfortable with the idea of plastic surgery.

Everyone wants to feel comfortable in their body regardless of age. Plastic surgery is just as available for older people as it is for younger people with the same range of risks. Although complications from plastic surgery are rare, anyone looking to get a procedure done should consider their options and learn all that they can before continuing.

Whatever you decide, always make sure that you discuss what you are considering with a fully qualified professional before you proceed.


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Paul-Swin; Worked in marketing for many years, mostly in the electrical retail sector, before setting up and running Anything Direct a successful e-retail business. Currently operating the Cafe Dating collection of quality dating sites. Now setting up, a blog and Youtube Channel which covers many topics for the over fifties.

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